A successful category theory seminar at Stellenbosch University organized by Professor James Gray. Three talks and a snack break. The talks were given by Professor Hans Porst, Dr Michael Hoefnagel, and Dr Bruce Bartlett. Even some second-year students from the course Foundations of Abstract Mathematics I attended it, after hearing that their practical session will not be held today because of the seminar. Third-year students, honors and postgraduate students attended too. The seminar ran under the auspices of the Mathematical Structures Research Programme at NITheCS. I am not on the photos, because I took them :-)
Talk by Professor Ports on "The monoidal structure of the Toffoli-Feistel construction"
Snack break
Professor Ports talking with postgraduate students during the snack break
Snack break
Snack break
Dr Bartlett explaining string nets
Dr Bartlett's talk on "Three-dimensional TQFTs via string-nets and two-dimensional surgery"